Mismatched socks and other things I’ve embraced (or let go of) as a mom of four

3 min readApr 3, 2022


I don’t know or can’t remember how many kids I thought I’d have.
Probably 2 (the “culturally normative standard”).
I do know that I didn’t PLAN on having 4.
Nevertheless, here we are.
And oh the places we’ve been……
The baseline emotional and mental roller coaster that is entering parenthood aside… something I’ve found to be absolutely true is that
One child is a relationship, 2 is management and
3 or more…is a situation.

Here are a few others things I know for sure…

Mismatched socks are not a parenting failure.
The truth is that nobody cares except you.
Are they clean? Do they fit? If the answer to both is yes, you’re winning. My condolences if you are raising an A type that is not having any of this.
And also- YOU are the alpha. And I salute you.

Breakfast for dinner counts.
As well as any other ‘non traditional’ meal plan that results in humans being fed food.
For example — sandwiches and popcorn, oatmeal and English muffins, crudités platters…..all of these are perfectly fine meal choices for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Again — the ultimate destination being humans being fed. If you’re going for Michelin stars in the kitchen, we’ll then, that’s another story. And again, I salute you.

Daily bathing is not a requirement.
Yes, kids get dirty, and smelly. And that is when they DEFINITELY need to bathe.
Outside of that…and maybe bathing as activity / relaxation routine — my kids “formally” bathe about 3 times a week. Sundays for sure (before the school week begins), Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Hair (I’ve got 3 girls and 1 boy), usually averages once a month.
We wash our hands, and our faces, brush our teeth and all the other things. And of course deep clean post activities like trips to the pool, beach, etc…
But other than that….if I can’t detect anyone by smell, I don’t sweat it until wash day.

Someone will get a cavity. Maybe even 2.
Here’s the thing…kids need help brushing. Facts.
Some kids like brushing and some don’t. Facts.
And some kids have good spacing between their teeth and some don’t. Facts.
What I’m getting at is there are a number of reasons why a kid might get a cavity, from…brushing quality, to frequency, to genetics. And yes, of course diet.
But at the end of the day, they are baby teeth and as evolution would have it, they will fall out, regardless of how they’ve been treated.
Now, once the grown up teeth come in, of course, we all know what needs doing, but until and before then, just chill if you’re kiddo pops up with a cavity before the age of 10. AND whatever you do, don’t go telling yourself you’re a bad parent if it does happen.
You are not. Periodt.

Here’s the Jist
The things I’ve learned to let go of have had more to do with my own ‘stinking thinking’ then surrendering to some dark reality of life with kids.
Its funny how many misconceptions or hang ups I had that I didn’t even know I had, until I had to decide if they were hills I wanted to die on.
Nowadays, when I gaze upon my kids, I see more of them, and less of all the things or ways in which I’ve let them down.

And that part is definitely worth embracing…for them, AND me.

Roll Call!!!
What are some things you’ve embraced or let go of as a parent?
I’d love to learn from you!

Comment below!




Written by Ayeshah

Ayeshah Jamilia of House Parker. First of her name. Mother of Four. Mrs. of a Mr. Life Coach. Do’er of the way it works.

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